We are a collection of independent researchers and highly-motivated students.
Please contact Dr. Kikumoto if you are interested in trying challenging researches as a graduate student or a postdoc.
We are also happy to collaborate on geomechanics projects if they are within the scope of our research or provide an exciting opportunity to broaden our horizons.
For the general information about studying in Japan, please refer to a guide book.
Regarding our group and research environment, please see the following instructions.
1. YNU Geomechanics group explores advanced geomechanics researches!
2. YNU Civil Engineering offers fruitful graduate study programs!
3. YNU provides supportive environment and facilities!
Please contact Dr. Kikumoto if you are interested in trying challenging researches as a graduate student or a postdoc.
We are also happy to collaborate on geomechanics projects if they are within the scope of our research or provide an exciting opportunity to broaden our horizons.
For the general information about studying in Japan, please refer to a guide book.
Regarding our group and research environment, please see the following instructions.
1. YNU Geomechanics group explores advanced geomechanics researches!
- Advanced modeling of geomaterials
We are trying to develop a constitutive model that can predict broader, complex behavior of soils with smaller number of simplified assumptions.
Fig. left: 3-dimensional critical state surface extended to the direction of grading state index (Soils Found., 2010); right: bearing capacity experiment of shallow foundation on crushable soils - Unsaturated soil mechanics
We are trying to simulate soil behavior that has only been explained empirically or experimentally. We are trying to simulate the behavior of geostructures from costruction process to the deformation and failure due to heavy rain and/or earthquake.
Fig. : Compaction curve obtained by the simulation using elastoplastic model for unsaturated soils (Proc. 14ARC, 2011; Proc. E-UNSAT, 2016)
Movie : Direct shearing simulation of unsaturated soils by finite deformation FEM; left: deviator strain; right: degree of saturation - Interdisciplinary research on weathering and erosion
We are challenging interdisciplinary research issues between geomechanics and geology. We observed weathering and deformation behavior of weak geomaterials derived from mudstones or shales by a novel experimental technique, and we developed a rational constitutive model incorporating physical / chemical weathering.
Fig. : Microscopic feature of mudstones derived from highway embankments (Geotechnique, 2016) - Environmental geotechnics
We developed a pressure-saturation model for immissible multiphase fluids in porous media (Soils Found., 2014) and solved initial/boundary value problems on ground contamination (Envron. Geotech., 2015).
Movie : Movement in LNAPL in unsaturated ground with different groundwater level - Application of latest geomechanics towards pathbreaking, exploratory researches
We carried out the field surveys of masonry structures in Angkor Thom, Cambodia, and conducted laboratory tests on soils obtained in situ (Proc. JGS, 2014). We applie a numerical method, elastoplastic NMM-DDA, to clarify the deformation mechanism of masonry structures (Geosys. Engrg., 2013; Japanese geotechnical journal, 2016; Computers Geotech. 2017).
Picture : Simulation on the mechanical interaction between masonry structure and base ground in Angkor Thom - Development of new technologies
We aim to develop novel methods that can contribute practical geotechnical engineering. We developed a method for measuring mechanical anisotropy of rock masses by a single triaxial test (Rock Mech. Rock Engrg., 2017; Geotech. Engrg. J., 2015; JGS Best Paper Award, 2016) or a single torsional shear test (JSCE Journal Ser. C, 2015).
Fig. : On-site torsional shear test on rock mass and determination process of anisotropy (Patent application 2013-148114, 2013; publication 2015-21767, 2015)
- All-English Progarms at Graduate School of Urban Innvation offers coursework and research supervision entirely in English.
- Overview of the selection process at YNU is here.
You can find admission information to Graduate School of Urban Innovation and Deparment of Civil Engineering.
- Several potential financial supports as scholarships and fellowships are available such as:
[Scholarships / fellowships]
Award Award available Application period Eligibility Award amount Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships by University Recommendation* Master, Doctor January 34 or younger Around 145,000 yen/monthAdmission and tuition fees are waived. Round-trip ticket provided. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships by Embassy Recommendation* Master, Doctor April 34 or younger Around 145,000 yen/monthAdmission and tuition fees are waived. Round-trip ticket provided. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships by Special Graduate Program* Master, Doctor December 34 or younger Around 145,000 yen/monthAdmission and tuition fees are waived. Round-trip ticket provided. Infrastructure Management Program (IMP) Master March Mid-career professionals having at least 3 years of fultime experience in sdeveloping countries 152,000 yen/monthAdmission and tuition fees are exempted. Round-trip ticket provided. JAPAN-IITH Friendship Scholarship (JICA) Master, Doctor December 30 or younger, Graduates and expected graduates of IIT-Hyderabad 145,000 jpy/month, Arrival allowanceExamination, admission and tuition fees are exempted. One round-trip ticket provided. Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS) Master October Bangladeshi, 40 or less, Civil engineer with at least 2 years' work experience, IELTS 6.0 or higher Around 145,000 yen/monthAdmission and tuition fees are exempted. Round-trip ticket provided. Chinese Goveernment Graduate Study Program (CSC; 高水平) Doctor January Chinese (master and expected master graduates of Chinese selected universities), IELTS 6.0 or higher Monthly allowance. Admission and tuition fees are exempted. Round-trip ticket provided. Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) Master, Doctor Indonesian Monthly allowance. Examination, admission and tuition fees are provided. Round-trip ticket provided. BUDI Doctor Indonesian Monthly allowance. Examination, admission and tuition fees are provided. Round-trip ticket provided. Project for the Promotion and Enhancement of the Afghan Capacity for Effective Development (PEACE) Master, Doctor Afghan Monthly allowance. Admission and tuition fees are exempted. Round-trip ticket provided. Master's Program of African Business Education Initiative for Youth (ABE Initiative) Master Africans Monthly allowance. Admission and tuition fees are exempted. Round-trip ticket provided. JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Overseas Researchers+ Postdoctor August, April 362,000 yen/month (2 years). Arrival allowance. Research fund. Round-trip ticket provided. JASSO Master, Doctor Other scholarships Master, Doctor
There are three possible process for the MEXT scholarship: a) Japanese embassy recommendation in your home country; b) university recommendation; and c) special graduate study program. Application deadline for b) and c) will be around December and January every year. Please contact Dr. Kikumoto for the details ASAP.
+ For the JSPS fellowship, please contact D.r Kikumoto by email for the details of the application and he is happy with supporting the preparation of the application.
YNU is comfortable place to study!
4. Yokohama city is so attractive!- Lively campus with lots of greens
- Central library and library for science and technology
- Four cafeterias serving haral foods and lively kitchen cars
- Accommodation : four dormitories
- Student center supporting scholarships, tuition waiver application, etc.
- Tutor (Student supporter)
- Japanese language class
Yokohama is:
- Japan's second largest city with a population of over four million, but not too crowded.
- attractive city with lots of scenic, touristic places.
- multicultural, historical city having one of the world's largest chinatowns and preserving Western-oriented architectures.
- accessible city located less than half an hour south of Tokyo and Tokyo Haneda airport.
- Living expense for an international student in Yokohama city will be around 87,000 yen/month.
You can apply for the tuition waiver after the admission to the university.
The full or half tuition waiver have been approved for almost all the international PhD students.