This research group makes research frame of " the infrastructure facilities, the bridges specifically, continue to grow more long with the new demand and to continue to be loved as the part of the society " a theme.To be interested in the bridge regardless of the size with scale is indispensable but it welcomes greatly if you can understand following things to continue a research smoothly in the research field. They seems quite natural for the university students, but regardless of the age, the important thing is important anytime.
Your should be interested in infrastructure projects and happy to see present and past projects of bridges. Your should be interested in many academic achievements and listen humbly to advanced knowledge and finding. In any research field, any learning field,not only domestically but also internationally,your should be active to publish your achievements widely and happy to have opinions of other researchers, including reviewers.
While respecting the personality, the culture of the individual, you should understand importance of the communication. Collaboration with researchers from various countries and international research, education and social contribution are stimulus for your research. We expect the autonomous and imaginative attitude.How you should think of what, in what case, you should act how or it boils and therefore, I will supervise you sufficiently.
What you should keep in your mind at our team
The activity which follows the education research program of the university is of primary concern and our laboratory works are the research and education for the dissertation examination, the paper creating for the degrees of the doctor, the master, the bachelor of engineering. Our university has two semester system of the spring semester from April and the autumn semester from October. Most of Japanese students start their life at the university from the spring semester, while many students from foreign countries start from the Autumn semester. Schedule here is mainly for students from the spring semesters. If you are of the autumn semester, you may shift them at 6 months.